For sustainability and better integration
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For sustainability and better integration
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Better Integration
A collaborative way to minimise multicultural imbalance through practical solutions
Welcome package
Are you a new international students of WU?
This year. S&I collaborated with CSF, our Student Council colleagues to present this new initiative. The main purpose is to eliminate the imbalance knowledge gap for the international students when they first arrive in Wageningen to start their study and their life. After the implementation of this initiative, more detailed and convenient information would be provided for every internationals. The handbook will indicate all the situations they may come across in this university. We hope this can bring a lot of convenience for all of us.
Wageningen Volunteers
Did you know there is a volunteer website exists in Netherlands which you can find more than 5000 works on it?
S&I cares about students' interactions with the other students and Wageningen citizens. We hope everyone can enjoy a good time in WUR and Wageningen, meeting lovely people, finding loved and friends.
Therefore, we contacted the municipality library to give these nice volunteers' work more exposure inside the students' community.
By building a nice bridge between locals and students, we can stimulate understanding and respect, which also has a lot of benefits towards inclusivity and diversity.
Free Dutch Course
Did you study any language today? Check WUR in'to-language's web page!
For international students' seek, previous S&I members proactively find better ways to integrate into the Netherlands. We initiate the free dutch course with the corporation from the in'to language center and the university, you can subscribe to social dutch 1 and 2 for free now!
This year, the initiative of providing non-Dutch employees is also approved by the university! This means no matter you are students or staff at Wageningen University & Research, you can always have the opportunity to join the Social Dutch 1 and 2 for free!!!
Click for more information.
One World Week
OWW is one of the biggest events in Wageningen University & Research. As an annual event, every year, S&I put a lot of effort into providing events and helping the whole OWW building up. In 2021-2022, all of our board members are getting involved in the oww working group. Aiming at representing the students from different places, providing and monitoring the event can be inclusive and diverse as possible. For more information on OWW, you can check here.
Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Sexual Violence
When you meet up with this topic-related problems, let us know. We are always here ready to help.
S&I has a tight connection with all the associations which are aware of this situation. We discuss these topics with ARA, DARE, we create a safe space for you to share or listen. We know we need to keep fighting on this topic, and living in a diverse and multicultural society is not always harmonious but could also be creates a complex problem. To address the issue effectively, S&I makes sure that every experience are being heard and taken into account. We ask you to please reach out to us if anything happens to you in regards to discrimination and sexual violence traits! Send your concerns or complaints to s.i@wur.nl.
Art and Culture Center
S&I brings the initiative of the “Cultural & Art Centre” to the Student Council. This idea is about having space at the campus which offers courses, practice room renting service, and other art-related services. A survey was conducted to investigate the demand of the students related to Art & Culture activities (N=183). More than 55% of students STRONGLY agreed (78% agreed) that there should be more art & cultural activities. We need your support to put this idea into practice!
Celebration Days
To make students feel more like home in Wageningen, we collect all the national celebration days from all the students and we will celebrate them by post the celebrating narrowcasting on the screens on the Campus builds.
Not seeing your national days yet? Contact us and we will make one for you!
NOW - No Otherism Week
In order to create a better inclusive Wageningen community, S&I raised up this initiative to Student Council. We help to create a whole week's events. collaborated with AIESEC, Unicef, ISOW, CASSW, ARA, Otherwise and SHOUT to discuss bias, racism, inclusivity, judging, stereotypes and etc.